The secure print and mail division has be re-branded Integrity Connect and the full range of services can now be viewed on the dedicated Integrity Connect website.
Click on the logo to visit Integrity Connect.
The secure print and mail division has be re-branded Integrity Connect and the full range of services can now be viewed on the dedicated Integrity Connect website.
Click on the logo to visit Integrity Connect.
Our current work encompasses daily mailings of cheques, statements and invoices, payroll mailings, monthly and quarterly rent statements and pension annuity mailings. Quantities can range from single items through to 100,000 packs.
The main Pitney Bowes enclosing lines incoporate file based enclosing software to ensure 100% mail pack integrity.
Integrity work with clients to deliver solutions to business challenges and strategic objectives. Click on the link below to read about how we developed an e-billing solution for a major client.
Our continuous cold fusion lasers are particularly effective when running complex integrated card and label mail packs and we are able to offer high volume mailings in excess of a million packs.
The enclosing lines have been equipped with cameras on four of the insert stations to allow prime documents to be matched with personalised inserts.
With no licence fee our clients have made significant reductions in their postage costs and more importantly have been able to outsource the time consuming process of manually printing and enclosing their post.
The process is secure and backed up by on line reporting allowing clients to track and audit their usage.
The facility to rebrand the site is also available to clients and can be managed and implemented by our software solutions team.
See case study by clicking on the letter, below;
Systems are in place to provide secure data exchange via our own Cerberus File Transfer Protocol platform or to link with clients own systems.
All data is securely destroyed within client specific timeframes using automated routines and specialist Limagitox data deletion software.
Our Compliance team welcome audits from clients to support and challenge the independent audits that form part of our ISO27001 information security standard.
Registered in England No: 6596913.
Registered Office: Westfield Trading Estate,
Midsomer Norton,
Bath, BA3 4BS.